
Gribbus07's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 143 (From 36 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 2,135 Points


Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)

Enlightened 5 Points

Big round of applause!

awesome calculator

Medals Earned: 7/8 (65/90 points)

First 5 Points

first time calculating

IDK 5 Points


Get it. Lol 5 Points

what is 9 plus 10

times 5 5 Points

calculate 5 times

times 10 10 Points

calculate 10 times

cupan 10 Points

find the cupan

times 20 25 Points

r u ok

cantalupe 25 Points

get random cantaloupe result

Basically Warzone 3D (CoD Warzone Parody)

Medals Earned: 5/5 (125/125 points)

Epic Fail 25 Points

You Freaking Idiot

Team Wipe 25 Points

Eliminate An Enemy Team

Camper 25 Points

Get Sniped By A Camper

PWNED #1 25 Points

Lose The Gulag

PWNED #2 25 Points

Win The Gulag

Blockade Runner

Medals Earned: 2/4 (35/90 points)

Die a bit 10 Points

Died 20 times in one sitting

Blockade Ran 25 Points

Got to da chopper

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Everlasting 50 Points

Beat the game without dying

Bug Toucher

Medals Earned: 5/5 (95/95 points)

Death... 5 Points

Kill a bug :(

Normal Mode Complete! 10 Points

Completed Normal Mode

Double Bug Mode Completed! 25 Points

Completed Double Bug Mode

Play ??? 5 Points

Find the secret mode after beating the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Castle Crashing the Beard

Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/155 points)

Whiskered Away 5 Points

Level Up once.

Fabulous! 25 Points

Reach the maxed out level.

Graven Image 25 Points

Win without hitting a gravestone.

Power Razor 25 Points

Win without losing a life.

The Fast and the Furriest 25 Points

Defeat The Beard in less than 4 minutes (8160 frames)

Beat to a Fulp 50 Points

Defeat The Beard

Castle Crashing the Beard HD

Medals Earned: 1/9 (50/355 points)

Whiskered Away 50 Points

Get the max attack combo chain

Amaranth 10 Points

Level up to the max level

Close Shave 10 Points

Beat the game

Sorbet 10 Points

Defeat Tom's Backup Plan

Hairless 25 Points

Beat the game without a helper

Razor's Edge 50 Points

Beat the game without dying

Shear Dedication 50 Points

Get 12 red coins in one game

The Fast and the Furriest 50 Points

Beat the game in under 5 minutes

Hairbrained 100 Points

Beat the game without getting hit

Clocks of the BBS 2024

Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/60 points)

Getting Started 5 Points

Enter the gallery

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Creature Collab 2023

Medals Earned: 2/2 (15/15 points)

This is my Lab 5 Points

Open the game.

Featured Creatures 10 Points

Inspect every test tube.

Dungeon Watchers

Medals Earned: 2/5 (50/200 points)

Bomber Elf 25 Points

Beat the game with Zelvy

Guardian 25 Points

Reach level 50 with any character.

Lunar Witch 25 Points

Beat the game with Luna

Overpowered 25 Points

Reach level 80 with any character.

Dungeon Watcher 100 Points

Reach level 100 with any character.